
Museum director
Johnny Augustine  036- 14 62 05

Establishment of the Husqvarna Museum

Already in the 1950s, there were plans to create a museum for Husqvarna AB’s history and products, but it was not until 1982 that the first museum became a reality. Husqvarna Weapons Museum was inaugurated this year with pomp and circumstance and a royal visit, but the museum activities only concerned Husqvarna’s hunting weapon manufacturing. Behind this initiative was Husqvarna AB, Jönköping municipality and the Swedish Hunting Association, who together established the Husqvarna Weapons Museum Foundation.

On April 27, 1993, Husqvarna Factory Museum opened in the building that had been a weapons workshop until the 1940s. Husqvarna Factory Museum was established by a group of retired Husqvarna employees who wanted a museum for all the company’s products. This marked the beginning of a collaborative project between Huskvarna Local Heritage Association, which took responsibility for the operation, and Husqvarna AB, which provided the premises. Simultaneously, the weapon museum moved into the Factory Museum and became part of its exhibitions. Since 2015, the museum has been known as Husqvarna Museum.

Since the collections in the museum were not jointly owned, but separately by Husqvarna AB, Huskvarna local heritage association, and the Foundation of Husqvarna Weapon Museum, there arose a desire to secure the collections under one owner who was also not connected to any other activity. Therefore, in 2019, the weapon foundation was reformed into the Foundation of Husqvarna Museum, with Huskvarna Local Heritage Association and Husqvarna AB as founders.

Husqvarna Museum Foundation

The purpose of the foundation is to manage the museum’s archives and collections for future generations and ensure that they remain intact and are not dispersed or moved outside the Huskvarna area. In addition, it should promote the museum activities that Huskvarna Hembygdsföreningen, on behalf of the foundation, and in collaboration with Husqvarna AB, operates.


The collections of the Husqvarna Museum are owned and managed by the Husqvarna Museum Foundation, where Huskvarna local heritage association and Husqvarna AB are founders. The museum activity has been run since its start in 1993 as a collaboration project between Huskvarna Local Heritage Association and Husqvarna AB. The Huskvarna Local Heritage Association is responsible for the daily operations with support from Husqvarna AB.

Steering group

The steering committee for the museum is appointed by the board of the local heritage association.
Christer Carlberg – Chairman
Björn Johansson Elmervik – Treasurer, Finance
Johnny Augustine – Museum Director
Hans Merkert – Member, Personnel Responsible
Arne Månberg – Member
Anders Kragner – Member